Welcome to Cochran's Ski Club 2024-25 season registration! 

  • If you have questions about Cochran's Ski Club, please contact us before completing this registration to make sure our program is a good fit for your family. Membership fees are non-refundable.
  • Please compete your membership by October 15th, this will ensure you are up to date on all the early season communications and activities. 
  • All athletes must have a current membership with U.S. Ski & Snowboard to join Cochran's Ski Club, with Cochran's identified as their club. If you are new to ski racing here is a link to how to get your U.S. Ski & Snowboard membership. https://usskiandsnowboard.org/membership/new-member-registration/

Family Information

Provide the name and address under which your family will be organized in our database

Cochran's Ski Area Family Pass is required for all Ski Club members. Please choose from below:

Parent/Guardian Emergency Contact #1

Parent/Guardian Emergency Contact #2

Waivers and Releases

The following waivers and releases must be signed to complete registration. Each waiver applies to all family members named on your Ski Area pass, including each racer registered. By signing below, you acknowledge that you are authorized to sign on behalf of each person included in your registration. If not authorized, please make sure that each member of your household over the age of 18 signs this waiver online. You can also download the waiver from our website and print/sign/mail to Cochran's Ski Club.

I am fully aware of the inherent risk and hereby give consent for myself and the named above to participate in the sport of skiing and riding at Cochran’s Ski Area and hereby release Cochran’s Ski Area, any of its elected or appointed officials, volunteers and instructors from any and all liability from injuries, claims, loss of services, expenses and/or damages that may be sustained by me or other minor children on account of his/her participation in said sport or associated activities at Cochran's.

Acknowledgement of U.S. Ski and Snowboard Abuse Prevention Policies:

USS&S works to provide a safe environment in which athletes can train and compete, free from abuse and inappropriate behavior. All adult members of USS&S are required to adhere to the SafeSport Code and USS&S Minor Athlete Abuse Prevention Policies. The U.S. Center for SafeSport is committed to building a sport community where participants can work and learn together in an atmosphere free of emotional, physical, and sexual misconduct. Annual SafeSport training is required for Cochran’s Ski Club coaches and other adults in positions of authority. SafeSport resources, including training for parents and athletes, can be found at https://usskiandsnowboard.org/safesport-athlete-safety. The USS&S Minor Athlete Abuse Prevention Policies are specific policies that USS&S has adopted to promote an atmosphere free of emotional, physical, and sexual misconduct. These include policies about one-on-one interactions between coaches and athletes; email and social media communications; and travel with coaches. Details of these policies can be found at https://usskiandsnowboard.org/sites/default/files/files-resources/files/2019/MAAPP-June-2019_0.p

Acknowledgement of U.S. Ski and Snowboard Concussion Policy:

USS&S concussion policy: Any athlete suspected of having sustained a concussion/ traumatic brain injury must be removed immediately from participation in U.S. Ski & Snowboard sporting event. The athlete will be prohibited from further participation until evaluated and cleared in writing to resume participation by a qualified healthcare provider trained in the evaluation and management of concussive head injuries. https://usskiandsnowboard.org/governance/policies/concussion-policy


The purpose of a code of conduct for parents/guardians is to establish consistent expectations for behavior by parents/guardians when their child is participating in any U.S. Ski & Snowboard activity. We expect parents/guardians to conduct themselves according to U.S. Ski & Snowboard’s core values of Grit, Excellence, Team, Fun, and Integrity, and abide by the spirit and dictates of this Parent Code of Conduct.

All parents/guardians must comport themselves in a sportsmanlike manner and are responsible and accountable for their actions while attending or participating in all U.S. Ski & Snowboard activities. Sportsmanlike conduct is defined as but is not limited to: respect for competition officials, resort employees, U.S. Ski & Snowboard members, and the skiing and snowboarding public, respect for facilities, privileges, and operating procedures, the use of courtesy and good manners, acting responsibly and maturely, and refraining from the use of profane or abusive language. Additionally, it is essential that parents/guardians provide coaching staff with respect and the authority to coach the team. We should all seek to support a sport experience that is transformational for each child in developing as an athlete and as a person.

During any activity associated with U.S. Ski & Snowboard, parents/guardians agree that their conduct will follow:

Setting the right example for children by demonstrating sportsmanship and showing respect and common courtesy at all times to all athletes, team members, coaches, competitors, officials, parents, and all facilities.

Honoring the health and well-being of their child as well as their competitors.

Getting involved by volunteering, observing practices and cheering on all athletes.

Refraining from coaching their child and any other athlete from the stands or sidelines during training and competitions.

Understanding that criticizing, name-calling, use of abusive language or gestures directed toward coaches, officials, any athlete, volunteers, and/or any participant will not be tolerated.

Respecting the integrity of staff, coaches officials, including when at competitions, allowing them to focus on their athletes.

Treating staff, coaches, officials, and all athletes with respect and dignity.

Not harassing or making inappropriate requests of staff or coaches, including but not limited to asking for special support or treatment for their child outside of medical or mental health needs.

All parents/guardians must follow the SafeSport Code, the Minor Athlete Abuse Prevention Policies (MAAPP), and U.S. Ski & Snowboard’s Athlete Safety Policies when participating in any activity associated with U.S. Ski & Snowboard or a member club (see https://www.usskiandsnowboard.org/safesport-athlete-safety).

U.S. Ski & Snowboard reserves the right to restrict access to the “field of play” at a competition by anyone that has disruptive behavior during the competition.

Can we assist you with the cost of your registration?

Cochran’s Ski Club has financial assistance available. We can waive our membership fee for any U8 and U10, just check the $0 box on this form. U12, U14 and U16+ athletes may apply for financial assistance by emailing this Financial Assistance Application to [email protected] before completing this registration.  If we are able to discount or cover your fees, we will give you a code to use at checkout.

Athlete Registration Information: PLEASE READ CAREFULLY

NEW THIS YEAR: To continue with the Cochran's Ski Club mission to make ski racing affordable we are implementing a 3 tier pricing system. Tier 1 reflects a financial assistance option to encourage greater access. Tier 2 most accurately reflects the cost of operating our program. Tier 3 reflects an additional contribution to enhance the club’s mission over the long term.  For U10, U8 and U7 we also offer the $0 option.  For U12 U21, we also offer an additional financial assistance program; if applicable, please submit this  Financial Assistance Application before completing this registration. 

Please complete this athlete registration section for each athlete. At the bottom of each athlete's section, you'll be able to add additional names. Please register your oldest athlete first. Any athlete is able to ski down an age group, if your athlete may be interested in skiing down an age group please email [email protected] prior to registering for this season. 

  • Birth Year 2018
    If you would like to receive financial assistance for your racer this season please use this button for your registration.

  • Birth year 2018
    Tier 1 - A financial assistance option to encourage greater access to the club and program.

  • Birth year 2018
    Tier 2 - most accurately accounts for cost of operations

  • Birth year 2018
    Tier 3- reflects additional contribution to enhance the club’s mission ( $40 of this fee is tax deductible)

  • Birth year 2017
    If you would like to receive financial assistance for your racer this season please use this button for your registration.

  • Birth year 2017
    Tier 1 - A financial assistance option to encourage greater access to the club and program.

  • Birth year 2017
    Tier 2 - most accurately accounts for cost of operations

  • Birth year 2017
    Tier 3- reflects additional contribution to enhance the club’s mission ( $50 of this fee is tax deductible)

  • Birth years 2015-2016
    If you would like to receive financial assistance for your racer this season please use this button for your registration.

  • Birth years 2015-2016
    Tier 1 - A financial assistance option to encourage greater access to the club and program.

  • Birth years 2015-2016
    Tier 2 - most accurately accounts for cost of operations

  • Birth years 2015-2016
    Tier 3- reflects additional contribution to enhance the club’s mission ( $70 of this fee is tax deductible)

  • Birth years 2013-2014
    Tier 1 - A financial assistance option to encourage greater access to the club and program.

  • Birth years 2013-2014
    Tier 2 - most accurately accounts for cost of operations

  • Birth years 2013-2014
    Tier 3- reflects additional contribution to enhance the club’s mission ( $120 of this fee is tax deductible)

  • Birth years 2011-2012
    Tier 1 - A financial assistance option to encourage greater access to the club and program.

  • Birth years 2010-2011
    Tier 2 - most accurately accounts for cost of operations

  • Birth years 2011-2012
    Tier 3- reflects additional contribution to enhance the club’s mission ( $185 of this fee is tax deductible)

  • Birth years 2002-2010
    Tier 1 - A financial assistance option to encourage greater access to the club and program.

  • Birth years 2002-2010
    Tier 2 - most accurately accounts for cost of operations

  • Birth years 2002-2010
    Tier 3- reflects additional contribution to enhance the club’s mission ( $270 of this fee is tax deductible)

All athletes must have a current membership with U.S. Ski & Snowboard to join Cochran's Ski Club, with Cochran's as their club. USS&S membership is not included with your registration. Please visit usskiandsnowboard.org to create or renew your membership prior to the start of the season.

All athletes who plan to race NVC races must have a current membership with Vermont Alpine Race Association. VARA membership is not included with your club registration. Please visit vara.org to create or renew your membership. U7 racers are not eligible for NVC races therefore not required. Please reach out to [email protected] if you have questions about memberships. 

Could you make a donation to Cochran's Ski Club?

Donations received here will be used to help cover membership fees for those in need through our Financial Assistance Program. Cochran’s Ski Club's mission is to provide families with a supportive community dedicated to the affordable pursuit of alpine ski racing and a lifelong love of skiing, and your contributions help us meet this mission in many ways. Cochran’s Ski Club is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. Your donations may be tax-deductible. Thank you!  


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